Kaibigan International Golf Club

KIGC Constitution and By Laws

1. The name of the club shall be the Kaibigan International Golf Club.
1. To work for the preservation and betterment of the KIGC by participation in club events, attending monthly meeting, holding offices if elected by the membership, and in general accepting the responsibilities of club membership.
2. To organize, promote, and direct tournaments and other competitive play on golf courses around Bay Area courses or other courses with these activities to be held under the rules and auspices of the Northern California Golf Association.
3. To cooperate with the management of the Golf Courses by playing scheduled tournament, adhere to their policies, rules and regulations on golf game.
4. To furnish players, through their membership in the KIGC, the opportunity to
establish handicaps to permit participation in tournaments held by golf associations and other organizations.
1. The membership of the club shall consist of:
A. ACTIVE MEMBERS, who shall be entitled to all privileges of club membership. The
active membership of the club shall be limited to members in good standing.
B. NEW MEMBERS need to play three games to establish handicap average.
C. HONORARY MEMBERS, who shall be elected annually to such membership by two thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors and only paid the NCGA Membership. Honorary members shall not be required to pay initiation or KIGC Membership fee, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership, except the right to vote or hold office in the club.
 D. CHAMPION OF CHAMPION, the end of the year there is a Champion of Champion Tournament, to all the winners that win our yearly of Monthly tournament. The price is to grave your name in the KIGC trophy and a Box of Golf Balls.

1. The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice President, Auditor, Secretary, Treasurer, Handicap Directors, Tournament Director and Publicity Chairperson (Skins Monetary Chairperson)
2. Every two years there will be an election to elect the President, Vice President, officers, (Five) members of the Board of Directors and it will be held at the fall meeting. Candidates for any elected club office may submit their names, at a time to be determined by the Board, and their names will be placed on the ballot as long as they are members in good standing. In order to run for President, a person must have served at least one term on the Board of Directors within the last two years
4. The Secretary, Treasurer and the Tournament Chairperson shall receive such remuneration as shall be determined by the Board. This is to be determined by the Board at the first meeting of the Board each two years upon taking office.
5. OFFICERS, only paid the NCGA Membership and exception for paying KIGC Membership annually fee ($20). Incentives for the next volunteers of elected Officers.
1. The club shall be governed by a Board of (8) Directors, (five) who shall be elected at the fall meeting every two years and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. The (three) other directors shall be the outgoing club President, the present club President, and the Secretary/Treasurer. The President or Vice President of the club shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors but shall not be eligible to vote except in the event the votes of Board shall be equally divided, in which case he shall cast the deciding vote.
1. The President of the club shall preside at all meetings of the club, and of the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as usually devolves upon an executive officer of a social organization.
2. An alternate or designate of the club shall perform the duties of the President during the absence or disability of the President, and will automatically succeed him in office if he becomes permanently unavailable.
3. The Publicity Chairperson (Skins Monetary Chairperson) of the club shall keep a written record of all meetings of the club and all meetings of the Board of Directors; he shall keep a written record of all names and addresses of all members of the club and shall be charged with the duty of notifying all members of regular and special meetings and of notifying the Board of Directors of meeting held by them. He shall keep a record of correspondence with the club and perform other duties as usually devolve upon the
Secretary/Treasurer of a social organization. He shall have charge of all of the funds of the club, which funds shall be kept in a depository duly authorized by the Board of Directors. In absence of the Treasurer, the President shall have the power as an alternate to sign checks in disbursement of club funds. Treasurer shall render a statement of receipts disbursements at each regular meeting of the club. All checks must have two signatures.
4. The Tournament Chairperson shall arrange and take charge of all club matches and shall perform other duties in his capacity as may be required of him by the Board of Directors. The Tournament Chairperson shall appoint at least (two) Assistant Tournament Chairperson per event to insure correct functioning of club affairs. The Tournament Chairperson and his assistants shall be responsible for the purchasing and engraving of suitable trophies for trophy tournaments and the purchase and proper distribution of these and other prizes for all events.
5. The Handicap Chairperson shall be responsible for the calculation and the assignment of proper handicaps to the membership and all other duties usually devolved upon a Handicap Chairperson or as assigned by the Board of Directors.
6. The Publicity Chairperson (Skins Monetary Chairperson) shall have the responsibility of handling publicity, through newspaper or other media, of pertinent club news, such as tournament, reports of meetings or other club news or events that may be of interest to club members or the general public.
7. The Board of Directors of the club shall have general supervision over all of the affairs of the club. They shall make the rules and regulations for the operations of the club, act in an advisory capacity with the officers and committees, and have other duties as usually devolve upon the governing body of a social organization.
1. The annual meeting of the club will be held in the fall at which meeting new officers will be elected.
1. A regular meeting of the club shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, unless otherwise agreed upon, and is open to all members in good standing. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
1. A special meeting of the club may be called by the President or Vice President at any time at his discretion, and shall always be called by him upon written request of 30 of the active members. Due written notice of special meetings shall be given by the Secretary to each active member in good standing. The notice shall state the object of the meeting and no business shall be transacted at the meeting except that mentioned in the call. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
1. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or Vice President at any time, and shall be called by the President upon the request of (three) Directors. Due notice of the meeting shall be given by the Secretary, and (five) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
1. The Board of Directors may suspend or expel any member of the club at any time by a unanimous vote of the Directors, for any violation of the bylaws or for any conduct unbecoming a member or which may be prejudicial to the best interest of the club; provided that the offending member shall be given notice and an opportunity to be heard personally before the Board.
2. Any member of the Board of Directors, or officers missing (three) consecutive monthly meetings may be dismissed of further duties of the Board; provided that the offending member shall be given notice and an opportunity to be heard personally before the Board.
1. The President shall appoint all committees serving during his term of office.
1. Vacancies occurring in the offices of the club shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the Directors or by a member in good standing recommended by the President and approved by the Board.
2. Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors shall filled for the balance of the term by a member in good standing recommended by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.
1. Applicants for membership in the club shall pay a membership fee, which shall be set by the Board of Directors with their application, which includes the first year’s dues. Dues shall apply to membership privileges in the calendar year. New members joining the club in the month of October or later shall be entitled to full membership privileges commencing in those months.
2. The Board of Directors may review, as required, the annual dues to be sure the financial stability of the club is maintained. The NCGA handicap card is to be paid from these dues.
3. Membership dues of $60.00 are payable on October 1st, and are delinquent after December 15th. Dues paid after December 15th will be subject to a late charge to be determined by the Board of Directors.
4   KIGC members can invite three (3) new members to join the club and as such he/she will be rewarded one tournament green fee within the calendar year.
1. These bylaws may be amended in whole or in part by a 2/3 vote at a regular meeting in which there is a quorum of thirty of the membership presents; or at a special meeting called for that purpose at which there is a quorum consisting of thirty of the membership present. Purposed amendments must first be presented to members at large at a regular meeting one-month prior to final adoption of the amended by law.